We use the money invested exclusively for the implementation of DOMOPLAN´s projects, over which we have absolute control throughout the entire implementation period.
Stable performance. Interesting yield.
Original projects.
We create places that are pleasant to live in. For our residential and holiday resort projects, we are always looking for a fresh concept that takes inspiration from pioneering concepts that have been successful abroad. Take part in their realisation together with us. By investing in DOMOPLAN projects, you will receive a stable appreciation of your funds with above-standard returns.
With us, you know what you're investing in
Current investment opportunitiess
Product | Type | Minimal investment | Investment horizon | Expected appreciation | |
DOMOPLAN SICAV, a.s. | Priority investment shares | CZK 1 000 000 | 5 years | 8.0–8.1% p.a. * | |
Premium investment shares | CZK 1 000 000 | 2 years | 7.0–7.1% p.a. * | ||
DOMOPLAN - Na Mariánské cestě SICAV, a.s. | Priority investment shares | CZK 1 000 000 | 3 years | 9.0–9.1% p.a. * | |
Premium investment shares | CZK 10 000 000 | 4 years | 11.0–11.1% p.a. | ||
BRIXX SICAV, a.s. | Priority investment shares | CZK 1 000 000 | 4 years | 9.0–9.1% p.a. * | |
Premium investment shares | CZK 10 000 000 | 4 years | 11.0–11.1% p.a. | ||
DOMOPLAN - Projekty Brno SICAV, a.s. | Priority investment shares | CZK 1 000 000 | 3 years | 9.0-9.1% p.a. * | |
Premium investment shares | CZK 10 000 000 | 4 years | 11.0–11.1% p.a. | ||
DOMOPLAN - Pekárenský dvůr SICAV, a.s. | Priority investment shares | CZK 1 000 000 | 4 years | 9.0-9.1% p.a. * | |
Premium investment shares | CZK 20 000 000 | 4 years | 11.0–11.1% p.a. |
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