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Why invest in the DOMOPLAN SICAV, a.s. investment fund

  • You invest exclusively in the projects development projects of DOMOPLAN, one of the largest developers in Brno, which has extensive experience in finding lucrative investment opportunities
  • Investments in real estate with stable value growth
  • Maximum appreciation thanks to the originality of the projects
  • Diversification of investments in various real estate projects, which makes the fund resistant to market fluctuations
  • Stable company with a high reputation with clients, banks and suppliers

Benefits of investing through a qualified investor fund

  • Preferential return for shareholders with investment preference shares and premium investment shares
  • Possible income tax exemption for individuals when redeeming investment shares after 3 years
  • Ongoing control of the handling of fund assets by the depositary
  • Professional background of the fund manager and administrator
  • Verification of accounting values by an independent auditor
  • Regulation by the Czech National Bank
  • Lower, 5% income tax rate for investment funds


Option to invest in the PIA EUR class with a priority appreciation of 6.0-6.1% p.a. until 31 December 2026 and 5.0-5.1% p.a. from 1 January 2027

The presented financial ratios of the Fund are valid as of 31 March 2024

Fund parameters
CZK 2.406 bn
volume of property
CZK 1.876 bn
own assets
8 % p.a.
Minimal investment
CZK 1 000 000
Investment horizon
5 years
Expected appreciation
8.0–8.1% p.a. *
Investor’s model profit in CZK

This is a hypothetical return on investment of CZK 1 million, and for the purposes of calculating the model profit, the expected minimum PIA return in the relevant period was used.

Return on shares in CZK
Value as of 31 March 2024
Volume of assets
CZK 2.406 billion
Own assets
CZK 1.876 billion
Evaluation for the last month
Evaluation for last 3 months
Evaluation for last 12 month
Evaluation from the 1st subscription (66 months)
PIA/VIA ratio (fund capital in million CZK)
1 384.28 / 492.08
Minimal investment
CZK 1 000 000
Investment horizon
2 years
Expected appreciation
7.0–7.1% p.a. *
Investor’s model profit in CZK

This is a hypothetical return on investment of CZK 1 million, and for the purposes of calculating the model profit, the expected minimum PRIA return in the relevant period was used.

Documents for download

Basic materials

2023 Annual Report Fact Sheet 1Q 2024 PIA Communication of key information PIA Communication of key information PRIA Statutes of the Fund 2022 Annual Report 2021 Annual Report Interim financial statement of DOMOPLAN investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem, a.s. for the period from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021 with the auditor's report Cash flow statement of DOMOPLAN investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem, a.s. for the year 2020 with the auditor's report 2020 Annual Report 2019 Annual Report Overview of cash flows of DOMOPLAN investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem, a.s. for 2019 with an audit report 2018 Annual Report Overview of cash flows of Domoplan investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem a.s. for 2018 with an audit report Fund Rules Announcement of final results of the public offering of DOMOPLAN 5.60/2025 bonds Final Terms - DOMOPLAN 5.60/2025 Bonds * Basic prospectus of bonds - DOMOPLAN investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem, a.s. * Bond Programme 2020 - DOMOPLAN investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem, a.s. * Results of the DOMOPLAN 5.60/2025 bond offer * Evaluation of covenants of the DOMOPLAN 5.60/2025 bond programme as at 30.6.2022 Market valuation of development projects and debt calculation of the issuer of DOMOPLAN SICAV bonds as of 30.6.2022 Evaluation of covenants of the DOMOPLAN 5.60/2025 bond programme as at 31.12.2021 Market valuation of development projects and debt calculation of the issuer of DOMOPLAN IFPZK bonds as of 31.12.2021

Marketing materials

Memorandum 07/2024

Your personal data listed in this form is processed by DOMOPLAN a.s., ID number 051 01 077, with its registered office at Trnitá 543/16, 602 00 Brno, in accordance with the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (GDPR). We process the data provided in the form on the basis of your interest in real estate sales services provided by DOMOPLAN a.s. and our interest to answer your request. We will process your personal data provided in this form for this purpose for a maximum of 24 months. If you wish us to stop processing your personal data before the above period, please contact us at: info@domoplan.eu.

+420 606 156 156

Other investment options

Product Type Minimal investment Investment horizon Expected appreciation
DOMOPLAN SICAV, a.s. Priority investment shares CZK 1 000 000 5 years 8.0–8.1% p.a. *
Premium investment shares CZK 1 000 000 2 years 7.0–7.1% p.a. *
DOMOPLAN - Na Mariánské cestě SICAV, a.s. Priority investment shares CZK 1 000 000 3 years 9.0–9.1% p.a. *
Premium investment shares CZK 10 000 000 4 years 11.0–11.1% p.a.
BRIXX SICAV, a.s. Priority investment shares CZK 1 000 000 4 years 9.0–9.1% p.a. *
Premium investment shares CZK 10 000 000 4 years 11.0–11.1% p.a.
DOMOPLAN - Projekty Brno SICAV, a.s. Priority investment shares CZK 1 000 000 3 years 9.0-9.1% p.a. *
Premium investment shares CZK 10 000 000 4 years 11.0–11.1% p.a.
DOMOPLAN - Pekárenský dvůr SICAV, a.s. Priority investment shares CZK 1 000 000 4 years 9.0-9.1% p.a. *
Premium investment shares CZK 20 000 000 4 years 11.0–11.1% p.a.
Výše uvedené fondy jsou fondy kvalifikovaných investorů dle zákona č. 240/2013 Sb., o investičních společnostech a investičních fondech. Investorem fondu se může stát výhradně kvalifikovaný investor ve smyslu § 272 zákona č. 240/2013 Sb., o investičních společnostech a investičních fondech.

AVANT investiční společnost, a.s., upozorňuje investory, že hodnota investice do fondu může klesat i stoupat a návratnost původně investované částky není zaručena. Výkonnost fondu v předchozích obdobích nezaručuje stejnou nebo vyšší výkonnost v budoucnu. Investice do fondu je určena k dosažení výnosu při jejím střednědobém a dlouhodobém držení, a není proto vhodná ke krátkodobé spekulaci. Potenciální investoři by měli zejména zvážit specifická rizika, která mohou vyplývat z investičních cílů fondu, tak jak jsou uvedeny v jeho statutu. Investiční cíle se odráží v doporučeném investičním horizontu, jakož i v poplatcích a nákladech fondu.

Sdělení klíčových informací fondu (KID) je k dispozici na www.avantfunds.cz/informacni-povinnost. V listinné podobě lze uvedené informace získat v sídle společnosti AVANT investiční společnost, a.s., CITY TOWER Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 00 Praha 4 Nusle. Další důležité informace pro investory naleznete www.avantfunds.cz/cs/dulezite-informace.

Bližší informace o Common Reporting Standard (CRS) a Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) můžete získat na www.avantfunds.cz/cs/dulezite-informace.

Uvedené informace jsou určeny výhradně pro informační a propagační účely, nejsou nabídkou, výzvou či doporučením k investování ani návrhem na uzavření smlouvy podle ustanovení občanského zákoníku.

Fund parameters

Focus of the fund
real estate and financing of real estate projects
Legal form
SICAV, joint-stock company with variable capital
Fund type
qualified investor fund
priority investment shares (PIA)
premium investment shares (PRIA)
Frequency of subscription of investment shares
Estimated annual yield on investment shares
PIA 8 – 8.1% p.a. in the period of 1/10/2022 – 31/12/2026,
7 – 7.1% p.a. after 1/1/2027
PRIA 7 – 7.1% p.a. in the period of 1/ 5/ 2024 – 31/ 12/ 2026,
6 – 6.0 % p.a. after 1/1/2027
Repurchases of investment shares
PIA within 9 months (for 6 months the shares are further evaluated)
PRIA within 60 days
Fund duration
for an indefinite period
Minimal investment
CZK 1 million, in case of AVANT Flex CZK 100,000
Investment horizon
PIA 5 years
PRIA 2 years
Entry fee
up to 6%
Repurchase fee, according to the conditions specified in the fund status
0% when repurchasing after 48 months
4% when repurchasing after 36 months
6% when repurchasing after 24 months
8% when repurchasing earlier than after 24 months
0% when repurchasing after 24 months
4% when repurchasing earlier than after 24 months
Management and administration
AVANT investiční společnost, a. s.
Costs of the fund
maximum 3% p.a. from an average asset value
CYRRUS, a. s.
PKF APOGEO Audit, s.r.o.
Supervisory body, legal framework
Czech National Bank & the Czech Republic
Fund appreciation tax
5% of profit
Taxation of shareholders – natural persons
15% when repurchasing earlier than after 3 years
0% when repurchasing after 3 and more years